Samsung and OpenAI to develop AI TV together

Cartoon man sitting on couch watching TV Zara clad in wrap dress was looking to buy groceries, just reached inside departmental store, entered into grocery store section, checking the prices, suddenly, she got an email alert in her smartphone. After swiping mobile screen to read, it was tech news alert from Google news and the headline was Samsung and OpenAI to develop AI TV together. The significant rise in demand of using artificial intelligence technology across the internet put together Samsung and OpenAI to work together under 'open partnership'. The collaboration between the two would bring the new developments of personalized content recommendation, conversational secretary, multitasking support, real-time translation, customized healthcare advice, and customized entertainment etc. for the next-level AI TV according to press release . User who would watch AI TV, could be able to ask relevant query for example, information about actor, movie recommendation etc. In CES ...