
Showing posts with the label podcast victim Alix

What would true crime podcast victim Alix do now?

Two women with long hair talking with each other on a Podcast Domestic thriller novel 'None of This Is True' written by author Lisa Jewell and consists of 384 pages for book lovers. None of This Is True The two woman met each other celebrating their forty-fifth birthday at local pub. That day was weekend, Josie Fair arrived with her retired husband at 7:30 pm to celebrate her birthday. When she seated, noticed there was another woman with her invited fourteen guests seemed happily enjoying fiesta and toasted champagne.  When the conversation between the two women kicked off when they went to the toilet, from there Josie got to know that she podcaster, and her name was Alix Summer. Coincidently that day they were birthday twins and were born at the same place. Josie Fair was given branded perfume by her husband and birthday greeting cards and gifts were given to Alix by her guests. When Josie Fair reached home she found out more about Alix in internet through Google search...