
Showing posts with the label Tree of Knowledge

How professor decrypted cipher code to solve murder mystery?

Lock decrypted unlocked Action thriller fiction novel 'The Tree of Knowledge' written by author Daniel G. Miller which consists of 294 pages. eBook Review 'The Tree of Knowledge' by Daniel G. Miller The Tree of Knowledge is a novel about a mathematics professor who assisted police in decrypting cipher code to resolve murder mystery of bank security guard. Albert puddles a mathematics professor at Princeton university teaching to his students for more than five years. That day was the first day of academic calendar when he reached campus and the strength of undergraduates of his class was of seventy four in lecture hall. During a lecture, professor was interrupted by his graduate assistant Ying to let him know that police at campus wanted to talk so he halted the continuing lecture on logic and left the class.   When professor met with police detective informed him that murder had been took place last night of a security guard who posted at bank of Princeton and ...