
Showing posts with the label Red Mountain

Boo Walker's 'Red Mountain: A Novel', Book Review

Aerial view of vineyard and wooden house ‘ Red Mountain: A Novel ’ written by author Boo Walker which consists of 370 pages for book lovers in readers blog. Red Mountain: A Novel The inhabitants of Red Mountain knew Otis Pennington for finest making winemaking, growing grapes, in his vineyard that was located in eastern Washington. Otis who was an old adult man became alone and widower when his wife had passed away. Otis loved his wife that he hadn't let go off air her ashes but kept secret. Most often, Otis had to scare and run them away from his vineyard wild dogs and coyotes when they howled at the moon. Otis was fond of reading books of English writers and some notable names were William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill. The loneliness of Otis couldn't be borne by his aunt Morgan and she begun looking for a girl for perfect match of marriage. Margot Pierce became single mother after divorcing from her husband Simpson who was a mayor of Burlington, Vermont, wished t...