
Showing posts with the label Pets

Children will be happy when they will touch the pet animals!

two girls playing with pet dog Sensory Board Book ' Pets - Children's Touch and Feel Board Book ' is created, designed and published by Little Hippo Books which consists of 10 pages. If you are thinking of buying a book where children can touch-and-feel pets then think of bringing this touch-and-feel board book your home. Children will be happy when they will touch the pet’s dogs, turtle, cats, rabbits, and goldfish.  Inside this Sensory Board book, children will be jubilant when they see vivid, colorful pages of pet animals, fun facts to read and touch and feel like they do with real pets.   It will be new activity for kids when they will learn from experience of tactile and interactive style.  Even babies, toddlers will smile and have fun when they will touch and feel the pet’s elements.  Children's Touch and Feel Board Book may be gifted to your loved ones in birthday, baby shower wishing, Easter, Valentine's Day and Christmas. 'Pets - Children's To...

Why it had difficult for kids to buy one pet among four?

cats in pet shop Children's story book 'What Pet Should I Get?' had written by Dr. Seuss which consists of 40 pages. What Pet Should I Get? How many times we get into pet store or supermarket, or any other place and if we have to buy only one item out of four or many, and all looks good but then it sounds difficult to made mind. The same situation is here prevalent in this story. Two adorable kids who are brothers and sisters in relation were asked by their dad to buy a pet animal from pet shop. So Kay with her brother got out of their house, reached outside the pet store, became happy when they gazed the pet into display from outside. When they both get inside the pet shop, dog shook the hand with boy to greet him, the boy became overjoyed and said to Kay that he wanted to buy pet dog. On the other hand, Kay was patting cute cat and told him that she wanted to buy that pet cat. But in the same pet shop, they saw that adorable bird was sitting inside a cage and beauti...