
Showing posts with the label Nazi Assassins

How brave female Dutch spy teenagers defeated Nazi in WWII?

he reading a book ' Three Ordinary Girls ' is written by author Tim Brady and consists of 352 pages. Tim Brady has written a true unforgettable story about three brave female Dutch teenagers turned spy who were on clandestine mission to defeat Nazi during the warfare of WWII.    If you like to read true but fascinating stories that don't let your eyes off from any single moment, then I recommend reading this about three ordinary girls.  It was time when Dutch surrendered before Germans during WWII, and Nazi forces going fearless to occupy towards the neighboring European countries. But during that warfare, three Dutch teenage girls got enlisted themselves into the Nazi Army, to defeat and foil enemy plans. Of the three Dutch spies, two were sisters and their names were Truus and Freddie Oversteege and remaining was Hannie Schaft.  But what made these Dutch girls to join Nazi? When they saw Dutch Royal Army surrendered before Nazi, and subsequent control by German...

Elaine had to accomplish her job silently hidden from Nazi

Top secret book Stunning tour de force historical fiction novel ' The Librarian Spy ' is written by the New York Times bestseller author Madeline Martin which consists of 400 pages. Ava Harper was a librarian at the Library of Congress, was happily doing her routine job when suddenly her nature of job changes when she was assigned a spy mission from US military. Ava has never anticipated before that this could ever happen with her. It was a time when World War II being rages on. She was chosen because of her charming looking face, beautiful physique and of her noble librarian profession, where nobody would suspicious at her and she can act as undercover spy.   In France, Elaine was working as an apprentice for a printing press, operated by members of the Resistance. Apprenticeship was not a female job but a men but Elaine got inside place. Employment job rules had been relaxed exclusively for a female work force amidst World War 2. Elaine knew she got to reach place secretly ...

How she preserved treasure of books from being lost in war?

books piled up World War II historical fiction novel 'The Keeper of Hidden Books' written by author Madeline Martin which consists of 416 pages. eBook Review 'The Keeper of Hidden Books' by Madeline Martin  Zofia Nowak will be adult when she would appear in the final exam in her secondary school but situation seemed somewhat unfavorable in Poland. The looming threat of war of Nazi Germany forced the residents of Warsaw to stockpile the necessary food stuff into their homes. Unlike Zofia's father, who associated with medicine profession, she interested to pursue her career in literature, therefore always kept a new book to read in her satchel, and the latest one to read was The Story of My Life, by Helen Keller . It was the year august 1939 when Zofia was sitting with her childhood friend Janina at Łazienki Park where Girl Guides were practicing their first aid skills to cope with any eventuality in case of war. Next day, the loud explosion woke up Zofia from sle...