
Showing posts with the label Keeper of Hidden Books

How she preserved treasure of books from being lost in war?

books piled up World War II historical fiction novel 'The Keeper of Hidden Books' written by author Madeline Martin which consists of 416 pages. eBook Review 'The Keeper of Hidden Books' by Madeline Martin  Zofia Nowak will be adult when she would appear in the final exam in her secondary school but situation seemed somewhat unfavorable in Poland. The looming threat of war of Nazi Germany forced the residents of Warsaw to stockpile the necessary food stuff into their homes. Unlike Zofia's father, who associated with medicine profession, she interested to pursue her career in literature, therefore always kept a new book to read in her satchel, and the latest one to read was The Story of My Life, by Helen Keller . It was the year august 1939 when Zofia was sitting with her childhood friend Janina at Łazienki Park where Girl Guides were practicing their first aid skills to cope with any eventuality in case of war. Next day, the loud explosion woke up Zofia from sle...