How one can budget, save, & invest in money skills book ?

Wallet without money It was weekend morning in Italy, Bianca stepped inside her kitchen but surprised to see breakfast items ended up so she walked inside bedroom of her son Antonio, woke him up, apprised him that all breakfast items finished, gave her €100 Euro, instructed should visit grocery store to buy breakfast cereal, milk, sugar, tea, coffee and cookies. So Antonio went outside home but returned home after buying breakfast items except for coffee. When Bianca asked Antonio the reason he replied that money not left. His mom couldn't understand so kept counting prices of bought breakfast items one by one. She told him that the reason for not saving money because he had bought expensive cereal. After eating breakfast together, his mom went into the study room and from there she picked book 'Money Skills for Teens' from bookshelf and gave to him for reading to comprehend money spending concepts. Money Skills for Teens Reading this book gave him insight that it is th...