
Showing posts with the label Expiration Dates

Expiration Dates: A Novel by Rebecca Serle, Book Review

Lovers having romantic dinner in cafeteria cheering with wine glasses Romantic novel 'Expiration Dates' written by author Rebecca Serle and consists of 368 pages for book lovers. Expiration Dates: A Novel Daphne Bell received her first postcard when she was studying in fifth grade at school. So what could be in that postcard that she got from? There was a true prediction about her first date with boyfriend and then break up. Albeit Daphne tried it hard to know from where it came from but she couldn't figure out the origin of sender.   Since then Daphne had been receiving for thirty three years, the names, numbers and time mentioned on piece of paper every time. From there, she had dating with men, but friendship also ended up in break up with many boyfriends. But the time also came when she got last prediction about would be her last companion and his name was Jake.     Daphne was from Los Angeles, during her early days, she lived in a tiny house along with her ...