
Showing posts with the label Different-A Great Thing to Be

Macy who like to do different things for herself

kids playing football outside house, whale jumping into water, birds flying in sky Children picture story book 'Different--A Great Thing to Be!' written by author Heather Avis and illustrated by illustrator Sarah Mensinga which consists of 40 pages. ebook Review of picture book 'Different-A Great Thing to Be!’ This story book teaches children to give respect, recognize, accept others value at school, neighborhoods, playground, wherever they could see around. It is the responsibility of parents, guardians and teachers they should encourage kids to ask questions for better understanding the environment, cultures they live.  At homes the environment not always be the same and kids comes from different family backgrounds to learn at school. Kids when reach home must have thinking about their fellow’s attitudes and responses. Being a different will not a bad thing after all for kids. But different attitude must be in conformity of norms acceptable to society. In this story b...