How teacher can silent turbulent class in just 15 seconds?

Teacher teaching Students in class Classroom management book ' Take Control of the Noisy Class: Chaos to Calm in 15 Seconds ' is written by teacher-trainer Rob Plevin which consists of 263 pages. Are you a new teacher who just got a job at school for teaching students? Is today your first day at teaching? Were your few days not went as you planned? Are you experienced teacher but finding problems while teaching? Are most of your students are disobedient? When you try to teach them they don't listen to you? You wanted to quit your teaching job and gave up all your hopes? Don't go away from teaching career because every lock has a key and all you have to do is to find that hidden solution. When the author Rob Plevin of this book confronted the same problem he was about to quit his job. But then novel idea came into his mind for taming students, he joined Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) in afternoon before departing home and it turned out to be game changer. Joining PRU gave...