
Showing posts with the label Cami and Wyatt Have Too Much Screen Time

What Cami and Wyatt usually do in their kangaroo house?

Kangaroo sitting on See Saw Children story book 'Cami and Wyatt Have Too Much Screen Time: a children's book encouraging imagination and family time' written by author Stacy C. Bauer and illustrated by illustrator Rebecca Sinclair, which consists of 40 pages. Cami and Wyatt Have Too Much Screen Time Parents often complained that their kids watching movies and play the video games in the tablet. So kids have little time for outside recreation because they immersed themselves into the entertainment videos and games so much that they forgot what happening in the real world. Whenever someone asks them to come for eating, play outside etc. kids ignore their call. Kids often end up getting lowest marks in their class at school. Children prefer to play video games in their tablet over playing outside with friends. In school, kids shows little interest for participating in extracurricular activities. So is there any way for preventing kids to stop spending too much time in ga...