How AI technology responds to users silly questions?

AI turned Snowman to take out innovative ideas of technology from brain Science humor book 'What If?: Answers to the Most Inane Questions by Ai.' written by author Steve Lentini which consists of 92 pages. What If?: Answers to the Most Inane Questions by Ai. How many times we have asked silly questions from ChatGPT and DALLE and in return the response received unbelievable. Behind the scenes, the programmers who consistently update the AI technology so that user would get the correct answer. But AI is made by human minds and if user asks the uncommon questions before ChatGPT the answers gets beyond understanding. It's not the shortcoming of AI inability but the way user asks AI by putting the unanticipated scenarios for ascertaining response. The unanswered questions related to universe, life, death, human evolution, race, gender, fate, and many other topics that readers even couldn't get full answers from the book, the same unsatisfactory outcome that user get afte...