
Showing posts with the label American literature novel

2 children for sale news headline puts everyone in quandary

Poor children outside of mud house American literature novel 'Sold on a Monday' written by author Kristina McMorris and consists of 352 pages for book lovers. Sold on a Monday: A Novel Ellis Reed, newspaper photographer was sitting in a hospital waiting for detective to arrive then the time comes and conversation begins when investigator asked about the photograph of two children that Ellis had taken and subsequently published in a newspaper. It was the time of great depression happens in the 1930 where rich man became poor the worst economic conditions forced majority out of cash and basic life necessities.   In the month of august, the year 1931, it was Monday when Ellis was present in the Pennsylvania where his eyes fell on the plight of two young children from same family offered for sale on the porch of farmhouse couldn't stop from snapping the photograph. Albeit when he was taking snap of those two poor boys had no intention to get it publish. But later when t...