How preschooler girl misplaced from the crowded place?

Missing poster of person in pole Suspense thriller novel ‘ All Good People Here ’ written by #1 New York Times bestseller author Ashley Flowers which consists of 336 pages for book lovers. All Good People Here: A Novel The murder mystery still couldn't resolved and the bad news struck again in Wakarusa, Indiana after twenty years, preschooler girl Natalie Clark misplaced from the crowded place but his brother was there. Margot Davies couldn't believe when she heard this, recalled the same ugly incident when she was a child, living among the inhabitants of Wakarusa whom renowned for their good deeds, gossiping and the girl found missing from her neighborhood house when Krissy, mother of deceased girl January Jacobs couldn't found her and instead read the writing on walls with red color from perpetrator. Margot, who was a journalist back in same troubled town where she lived twenty years ago, stayed in hers uncle home of Luke Davies who suffered from dementia, was an ...