How many golf matches did the players play against each other?

golf match
golf ball and golf stick

The golf match

One day, Louise was returning home after visiting Louvre Museum, she felt thirsty, parked her electric bike outside supermarket, walked inside, and begun looking for bottle of mineral water. When she stooped to pick water bottle from shelf, same time, another customer wanted to buy the same brand but there was only one branded water bottle left in the shelf. They started arguing with one another but no one willing to give up from buying same water bottle, when Louise and male Asian customer about to fistfight, store manager intervened and after mutual understanding between the two, it was decided that whoever answer right answer of riddle, winner would get this mineral bottle but loser would pay for the price.

Looking at both of them, shoppers gathered around them to see who would solve the riddle. As store manager picked up the riddle book to ask, mostly crowd chanted in favor of their French woman to win but few voices heard for Asian man.

The brain teaser quiz was asking from the participants the two golf players Charles and André play against each other entire week. Whoever wins gets the champagne bottle from the loser but after playing one golf match. Charles gets four champagne bottles while André two, could you tell us how many golf matches they had been played during seven days a week? After hearing this riddle, both riddle solvers begun thinking the possible correct answer. Louise replied six golf matches played while her opponent said seven but the correct answer was six so she won.

In the end, Asian man put his hand into the jeans pocket to pay money from his wallet and in that way French woman seemed happier after getting her favorite brand of mineral water bottle.  


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