Drinking water from deep pitcher was uphill task for crow

How to solve problem
Crow and the pitcher

Quiz of the day

This is a story book written exclusively for kids and is purpose to reach out in the bookshelves of homes and school library so that young readers would amused and could learn problem solving skills.

This fantastic and interesting book story strides when a thirsty crow looking for water around spotted a pitcher while flying so landed on sand to quench thirst. It was a hot day as crow felt warmer temperature, became happy by seeing it but when reached closer found it difficult to drink water from pitcher. Although there was a water inside pitcher but big problem was how to get it from as the lid of pitcher was narrow and size was deeper. So readers, do you have any idea what crow would do to get the problem solved? What strategy would be utilized? Could the crow would act smartly or loses hope and fly away? To read till end, have to bring this book.

So readers, can you guess the name of aforementioned book review, from which children book it has taken of? As a reminder, this children picture story book has been written by author Henna Morgan and published in the month of September in year 2024. If you knew the answer than don't do nothing, just keep quiet, let the other book lovers of readers blog think the possible answer but on the contrary if you don't know the answer of this asked quiz than may ask us in the comments.


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