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Would they be able to defeat tornado shark? Literature quiz

Quiz of the day

It was sunny day, Mama shark and Dada shark were enjoying beautiful time together at the beach under umbrella suddenly they realized tornedo heading towards them so they get scared but when it comes nearer it was not an ordinary one but a tornado shark who tried to blow them away with powerful wind. Their vacation ruined by spinning tornedo of shark. But it was not the beach that tornedo shark went there, she went everywhere with objective in mind to blow up everything that comes in her way. Even Pilot shark, sergeant shark, fire shark, actor shark, dancing shark, business shark, baby shark and grand shark were not spared and their activity was put into limit by monster tornado shark.

Would they be able to defeat tornado shark? Literature quiz
Tornado shark

So readers, can you guess the name of aforementioned book review, from which children book it has taken of? As a reminder, this story book has been written by author Mike Suarez and illustrated by Zara Afzal. If you knew the answer than don't do nothing, just keep quiet, let the other readers of readers blog think the possible answer but on the contrary if you don't know the answer of this asked quiz than may ask us in the comments.

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