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Were you patient or not during childhood before waiting?

Kid is waiting for school bus
Waiting for school bus

Quiz of the day

As a kid could you recall from your childhood memory that how much time had to wait for getting on board school bus? At the breakfast table, did your mom served it on time or late? Did your dad came to pick you up from school on time or late? At toy store, did your mom had promised to buy a toy next day later she forgot? During watching TV, did your sibling not letting you to watch your favorite cartoon and asked to wait? How much time you had to wait in car until electric car charges? To listen story telling from your mom, did your mom asked to wait before sleep? At movie theatre, how much time you had to wait in queue to buy a ticket from counter? During departure, how much time had to wait at airport lounge before boarding an aero plane? And so on.

Readers could you tell honestly, were you patient or not during childhood in such situations? Was your mom, dad or sibling became annoyed because of your behavior?

So readers, can you guess the name of aforementioned review, from which picture book it has taken of? As a reminder, this children's new experiences book has been published in year 2024, written by author Melanie Conklin and illustrated by Leah Hong. If you knew the answer than don't do nothing, just keep quiet, let the other readers of readers blog think the possible answer but on the contrary if you don't know the answer of this asked quiz than may ask us in the comments.

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