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He must find exit route to escape from walled city

Quiz of the day

He was mad in love with her, the day she disappeared, begun wandered here and there for her search but failed in tracing her whereabouts. One day, he reaches into mysterious city unthinkably. Soon he realized that in order to survive, must find work to live so he began doing working in library situated far away. Working into library led him to enter into new imaginative world that he never been to this place. That fantasy place had known as the walled city where wild animals roamed freely. Luckily, young fellow had found her soul mate in dream library but she had lost her memory. The dream library was not a safer place to stay, haunted with fantasies, he must had to find a way out before it gets too late.

He must find exit route to escape from walled city
Exit route

So readers, can you guess the name of aforementioned review, from which book it has taken of? As a hint, this paranormal & urban fantasy book written by author Haruki Murakami. If you knew the answer than don't do nothing, just keep quiet, let the other readers of readers blog think the possible answer but on the contrary if you don't know the answer of this asked quiz than may ask us in the comments.

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