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The Mate 60 Pro smartphone version was unveiled by Huawei

Huawei Mate 60 Pro

After finishing workout at SEVEN - Wellness Club, Omar went into the locker room to change his Crew T-Shirt. Suddenly got Gmail alert message in his inbox so he opened and started reading the gadget news and headline was The Mate 60 Pro smartphone's quantum version was unveiled by Huawei

Huawei Mate 60 Pro

A limited-edition Mate 60 Pro was unveiled by Huawei and China Telecom in conjunction with the Digital Technology Ecological Conference 2023.

The device's compatibility for Quantum Security technology, which aims to increase mobile communications privacy, is one of its unique features. The VoLTE network is used by the new Mate 60 Pro to combine quantum information technologies.

Custom security chips, a proprietary encryption technique, and a SIM card with "quantum" protection are among the characteristics of the smartphone. The manufacturer claims that these three features guarantee a high degree of user data confidentiality.

According to the company, quantum key distribution (QKD), which enables two parties to share a secret key for the encryption and decryption of calls as well as messages, is the foundation of quantum security technology.

The fact that a fresh key based on the QKD technique will always be created adds to the high degree of security. The system will first authenticate the user before offering to conduct an encrypted call.

When finished reading tech news, Omar shared it on X (formerly twitter).

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