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First-ever takeoff of the largest airship in the world

The Pathfinder 1 airship

Anjali was warmly welcomed at the wedding reception of her best friend. Guests present were looking at her Indian Trendy Bollywood Sequin Embroidered Sari. When she received an alert Gmail message on her Motorola Moto smart phone from subscribed website, opened inbox message to read it and the headline was First-ever takeoff of the largest airship in the world

The Pathfinder 1 airship, the largest aircraft in the world, is a prototype that is currently undergoing flight testing by LTA Research, a firm backed by Sergey Brin, the founder of Google. At 124.5 meters in length, the prototype is nearly three times the length of a Boeing 737.

Pathfinder 1 is constructed using novel materials and cutting-edge technology. Thirteen enormous nylon-made compartments are operated by lasers in order to fill the airship with gas.

The airplane construction is composed of a stiff protective frame made of 10,000 polymer pipes that are joined by 3,000 titanium bushings and reinforced with carbon fiber. Tedlar, a lightweight synthetic material that offers strength and protection, is used to cover the airship.

In addition to using inert helium for propulsion, Pathfinder 1 also has 12 electric motors. At 120 kilometers per hour, the airship may reach a freight capacity of approximately four tons.

The prototype will be tested at a height of 460 meters before an even larger counterpart, called Pathfinder 3, is constructed. A family of airships that may be utilized for both ecologically friendly passenger transportation and the delivery of supplies to disaster-affected areas is the company's aim.

When she finished reading tech news, shared it on Facebook.

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