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Anthropomorphic robotic arm with bones and tendons created

Anthropomorphic robotic arm with bones and tendons created

3d printing technology

The smart watch in Anastasia was giving quarter to 8 but Metro 2 not yet arrived at Moscow Metro. It was coldest morning in Moscow and therefore Anastasia wore fur hat and long coat over her attire to keep warm. It was rush hour and passengers have to reach for work. When Metro 2 arrived, one commuter foot unintentionally set upon Anastasia's long shoes while boarding a metro so he apologized and move forward. Not a single seat was vacant, metro train was packed up with commuters because there was partial strike by metro train operators. Luckily Anastasia got a seat but there was narrow space so she has to adjust herself sitting with middle aged man. He had to spread his right arm behind Anastasia to create more space for. The moment also came when he felt aroma of her body fragrance. It was embarrassing situation for Anastasia as her shoulder, thigh and leg was colliding with his but she had no choice but to wait until she arrives at her destination. Luckily Anastasia felt sigh of relief when that man stood up to disembark from metro. Then suddenly, Anastasia heard alert message in her smartphone so opened Gmail inbox to read and headline was Anthropomorphic robotic arm with bones and tendons created.

Inkbit and ETH Zurich have successfully created a robotic arm using 3D printing technology, incorporating bones, ligaments, and tendons. This presents new opportunities in both prosthetics and robotic structures.

Inkbit has developed a 3D printing method for slow-curing plastics, a change from the previous focus on fast-curing plastics. More flexibility and durability are offered by this hybrid printing technique than by conventional quick cure designs.

As demonstrated by the robotic arm discussed earlier, technology also makes it feasible to emulate nature more precisely. Namely, instead of being assembled after the fact, the different components of the humanoid hand were produced concurrently.

Prior to telling the system to go to the next sort of material, a specialized scanner continuously scans the surface for imperfections. The printer prints layers upon layers. Slow-curing polymers can now be used thanks to updates to the extruder and scraper. Large manufacturers are the target market for Inkbit's modified printers, and smaller companies can purchase intricate 3D printed items made with this technology.

When finished reading tech news, Anastasia shared it on Facebook social network.

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