Perform 10 mind blowing STEM projects with amazing magic kit

Science Magic Kit

Children of Saint Michael's convent school were anxiously waiting for their next science project class, fortunately, when the bell rung up, charming Alina, science teacher arrived with amazing science magic kit.

Science Magic Kit

The class began by inviting ten students to come forward to perform 10 mind blowing STEM projects. Among the science experiments that were carried out included changing the color of water, catching the bubbles, coin floating, magically appearance of snow with magic tricks. Children became very excited doing those wonderful magic tricks with magic wand.

While discussing the importance of education, Alina stressed all kids of buying this science kit if they want to understand chemistry and physics in practical way. It will also be beneficial for their young minds to open up creativity for exploring new ideas. Merely reading text books would be insufficient for comprehending basic science concepts without doing practical science experiments.

In the conclusion, school children agreed what Alina instructed them and bell for next class has rang.


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