In order to survive she must to defy alien’s adversary plans

book review
woman reading a book sitting on bench

Defiant is written by New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson and consists of 432 pages. If she is to live then has to defy the adversary tactics spread all over her way in path and therefore in her defiance there will be a survival. 

It all started here when Spensa thrashed out her and she saw incredible unusual things shinning in stars, transformed her. But she has not forgotten what Spensa did with her so she got all clues of her problems when she confronted with Delvers. It also led her to know how about the secrets of incredible Cytonic gifts. 

But the fighting for dominance in galaxy continued and couldn't stop even after her exit. Albeit, Skyward Flight from team of Spensa prevented Winzik from approaching fast but not forever. The destruction of galaxy was at the mercy of evil warriors. 

She return to utilize her knowledge accumulated when she was forced out of. She must fight off until got victory, must defeat evil planes, and free her friends from captivity, to use the magic spell of Cytonic and to save the galaxy from destruction.


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