Why they call caterpillar a bob? And not caterpillar?

Happy caterpillar on mushroom

Children's story book 'A Caterpillar Named bob (with a lowercase B)' written by author Ellie Sparrow which consists of 38 pages.

A Caterpillar Named bob

Reading this story, readers will find an interesting story about caterpillar who adores to hang out with new neighbors, enjoy weather in rainy day, loves to make salad from green leaves to eat, accumulate water, likes to crawl on cool rocks, eat sweet grass, catches seed thief and does lot of mischievous.

The adorable caterpillar name is bob, interestingly name of this green color creature is without the capital letters. Like us humans who write diary for taking important notes, and same goes for this adventurous caterpillar who keeps a leafary made out of green leaves instead of pages to write story.

Caterpillar bob lives is a beautiful tree house that is made up of wood called cedar, abode is not above very high from the meadow, there is also a small refrigerator inside his tree house for keeping eateries. When the time comes for breakfast, bob goes out to collect seeds from sunflower, likes to pour milk and cereal in clay bowl and eat salad made out of green and grape leaves with relish but scared from heavyweight robin and avoids coming in front.

Aforementioned was just the brief overview from a children's animal story, so readers at Readers Blog! If you want to read till end, then grab copy of this book. 'A Caterpillar Named bob (with a lowercase B)' may be bought from any click and mortar store, available in Kindle.


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