Why Moose couldn't live without eating noodles?

Ramen Noodles dish

Children story book 'The Moose Who Loved Noodles' written and illustrated by Rachel Dutton which consists of 31 pages.

Moose couldn't live without eating noodles: Boomer adventure book

Before giving an overview of this children story book, let me tell you where actually noodles came from? Noodles first seen in China during Han dynasty, 4,000 years ago. Since then Noodles made its way into many countries of the world but in China, Noodles is the most popular staple food among Chinese. Though, rest of other countries people also eat with delight noodle in their homes, restaurants etc.

Now it's time about storytelling. There was a moose named boomer renowned for making trouble in parties and who couldn't rest in peace without eating noodles his favorite food.

Once upon a time, park rangers hosted woodland party and invited all animals including boomer to attend. It was a fall season and occurred every year. When boomer heard he too was invited, became very happy, and was on his way to reach there. When the party kicks off, cuisine of different dishes present in feast. There boomer observed that humans were eating salad so he picked up the same but when it reached inside his stomach, disorder felt.

The home that boomer was living, helped household chores including washing dishes in the kitchen. One day, after washing dishes, boomer was resting under rug got up from there, hurriedly taking footsteps making sound, passing through the hall, without realizing that everybody were sleeping. Then suddenly.................

That was the brief overview from magnificent moose adventure book, so readers at Readers Blog! If you fond of reading story of, then grab the copy of this book. 'The Moose Who Loved Noodles' may be bought from any click and mortar store. 


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