What would be Sheriff Brody next move aftermath of murder?

book review
Sheriff patrolling car

Dazzling novel 'The River We Remember' is written by the New York Times bestseller author William Kent Krueger which consists of 432 pages.

A dead body found floating above water in Alabaster River. The identified dead man was Jimmy Quinn, affluent landowner living in Jewel, Minnesota who was believed to be murdered from shotgun bullet. The news of murder was not ordinary one but of significant importance. To investigate further, Sheriff Brody Dern deputed who had served in U.S. military service earlier. Rumors circulated before autopsy carried out, and suspicion pointed out to Noah Bluestone who just settled in the same town with his Japanese spouse where murder took place, was a Native American world war 2 veteran. 

In spite of allegations, and uproar in Minnesota, Sheriff Brody who was also a war hero, decided wouldn't jump on conclusion fast and he stepped up gradually to unearth the real killer of Jimmy who was shot dead on Memorial Day. 

The brutal murder of Jimmy sent shockwaves, and uncertainty among inhabitants of Jewel included intrepid publisher of the local newspaper, young adult son and his widow mother, agitating woman lawyer, and elderly deputy. 

How Sheriff Brody would approach the others to be included under investigation? What would be his next move amidst rising hue and cry and suspicion?

'The River We Remember' may be bought from any click and mortar store.


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