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Unlock YouTube algorithm to drive Views & grow revenue

The YouTube Formula

YouTube book The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue is written by author Derral Eves which consists of 352 pages.

Have you recently launched your YouTube channel but struggling a problem in growing your new channel? Your channel has few views, likes and subscribers. Don't worry here is the solution to your problems.

Reading this YouTube book will help you to unlock the algorithm to drive Views, build an audience, and grow revenue. The author Derral Eves himself practically proved this by generating more than 60 billion views on YouTube and assisted 24 channels to increase subscribers into one million from scratch.

He stresses that understanding the algorithm will be the key to success for any YouTube channel. This book is written for both beginners and advanced learners. As a beginner, YouTube formula will help you from launching a channel, creating life-changing content, increasing the views, engagement and subscribers, building strong brand, improving search ability, and lastly monetizing your content and audience.

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