Learn secrets for success in business, leadership, and life

Woman giving four key points of idea, planning, strategy and success

'The Power of Going All-In: Secrets for Success in Business, Leadership, and Life' written by author Brandon Bornancin which consists of 276 pages.

The Power of Going All-In: Secrets for Success in Business, Leadership, and Life

Reading this book will help in understanding the secrets for success in business, leadership and life for readers. You must have heard the famous quotation that Leaders are not born they are made. So everyone faces obstacles in one’s life whether rich or poor. But the one who succeed never gives up and keeps on moving learning from different experiences of life. Success depends on which path he or she would pursue.

'The Power of Going All-In' is divided into twelve months from scratch to give deep understanding about the situations confronting average person. Beginning from the first month, you will get to know mission, values and accountability, second month, building the foundation for great hiring and onboarding, third month, developing high performance culture, fourth month, KPIs' goal setting and decision making, fifth month, prioritizing tasks, diagnosing issues, and taking action, sixth month, thriving in adversity with resilience, discipline, a growth mindset, seventh month, the art of communication, transparency, and active listening, eight month, empowerment, trust and autonomy, ninth month, leading through change, uncertainty, and tough times, tenth month, the human element, emotional intelligence, and soft skills, eleventh month, leading diverse teams, and fostering continuous learning, and in the last twelve month, developing future leaders, coaching and succession planning.

Aforementioned was the brief book review of strategic management, telemarketing, business development & entrepreneurship book, so readers at Readers Blog! If you want to read till end, then grab copy of this book. Book readers may buy 'The Power of Going All-In: Secrets for Success in Business, Leadership, and Life' from any click and mortar store.


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