How they made their dreams come true? Young Change Makers

three kids thinking differently

Inspirational story book 'Making a Difference: An Inspirational Book about Kids Changing the World!' written by author Stacy C. Bauer and illustrated by Emanuela Ntamack which consists of 40 pages.

Making a Difference: An Inspirational Book about Kids Changing the World!

If children easily gave up without making any thing, any progress especially in school then you need to seriously think about their behavior because difficulties present everywhere but to bring them back in action, require motivation and their moods will only be rejuvenated and motivated when they will get a chance to read fascinating inspiring stories about other kids who made a difference.

The same situation happened with girl Ava Simmons when she lost all hopes at school. Ava was not good in mathematics and reading so she could not progressed and left behind of her peers. Suddenly whim erupted into her mind, Ava made her YouTube channel and became popular when she uploaded her first video titled How to make hand sanitizer at home? It was a year of June 2020 when COVID 19 pandemic was at peak and everyone had to wear face mask, and maintain social distance among each other. When her YouTube video made hit Ava made another twenty videos and she got 500,000 views worldwide.

The making of tutorial video on hand sanitizer had changed the way she was thinking before. Ava began to learn by doing research into internet for finding keywords on Google and for the sake of knowledge knowing the facts.

Ava became so excited that the next subject she chose was S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). When she began making YouTube videos on S.T.E.M, also got good grades on her studies especially mathematics at school.

The project of S.T.E.M on YouTube and on her school subject was such a hit that Ava got lot of appreciation for her efforts. Ava couldn't believe    how her practical learning transformed her experience at new heights.

It was the very brief story overview about Ava Simmons only. Apart from Ava, there are other inspiring stories on topics of animal ambassadors, conservation crew, inspiring icons, and helping hands who made a difference by bringing change into themselves. 

How Justin and Kate became animal ambassadors for their love of animals for the purpose of helping and advocating? 

How Jack, Ryan and Felix became conservation crew for saving the planet?

How Ava, Mayli, Kalia, and William became inspiring icons for encouraging their followers for chasing dreams?

How Galilea, Bishop and Winter became helping hands for helping those who needed support?

What inspired them to choose path that brought success in their lives and bring prosperity to others?

What hardships they faced and how children coped with it?

When change makers started off, they were alone but when children made their mind, they got support and their followers grew from none to many.             

To read adventure story of young change makers grab the copy of this book if you want to read the achievements of young change makers in detail.  

'Making a Difference: An Inspirational Book about Kids Changing the World!' suitable for children aged 7 to 10 and may be bought from any click and mortar store.


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