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How she won the race despite million mistakes?

The Girl Who Makes a Million Mistakes

Children story book 'The Girl Who Makes a Million Mistakes: A Growth Mindset Book for Kids to Boost Confidence, Self-Esteem and Resilience' written by author Brenda Li which consists of 36 pages.

The Girl Who Makes a Million Mistakes

Have you seen kids backing down after their unsuccessful results? How many attempts kids made? Do children gave up easily? How many times kids stood firm against hardships? Are kids unhappy after losing race in school playground? Did parents found not good remarks in the diary about the academic performance of kids from subject teacher at school? Are children scared for trying new things? Did children lose confidence in themselves? Etc.

Author Brenda Li in this book stresses upon parents, guardians, class teachers, tutors, sport teachers and others through this wonderful story telling that children should not be discouraged any way when they do mistake rather should be guided to undo mistakes. By doing so children will be motivated for. Kids will be confident in early age and will learn from their mistakes.

Now coming to this story book, this is a tale about a girl who do lot of mistakes in every chore of life. Her name is Millie, she is known for creating troubles and mess around. To drink glass of milk, she mistakenly drop milk around instead of putting in glass at home. When Millie step inside bathroom for brushing her teeth, wasted toothpaste by pressing hard. She uses too much glue while pasting on a piece of drawing paper. Even at school, Millie can't even the write correct spelling of word banana in black board. She made the mess around upside down when Millie runs inside living room, kitchen, and bedroom and play area, household things scatter everywhere.

Despite creating numerous mistakes, Millie is optimistic, energetic, she keep trying until becomes perfect. She don't get tired of repeating mistakes. Millie is so funny in her appearance and looks. There is a knot in her hair, she don't even bother to straight up by hair brush. When she opens her mouth to laugh, her one teeth was not there in the middle.

Millie has many dreams to accomplish of which one was to become athlete. One day she decides to compete against her opponents in racing track to win race. When race began, things not turned out in favor of Millie and some unexpected happened.

So readers at Readers Blog! Do you know who has won this race? Millie herself. But how? How she managed to won over in racing track despite making mess up? How she got trophy?

To know fantastic story of Millie grab the copy of this book if you want to read in detail. 'The Girl Who Makes a Million Mistakes: A Growth Mindset Book for Kids to Boost Confidence, Self-Esteem and Resilience' suitable for children aged 4 to 7 and may be bought from any click and mortar store.

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