How School Kid with Autism Spectrum drew Masterpiece?

Child brain
Autism, jigsaw puzzles and child brain

Children's story book 'Masterpiece: an inclusive kids book celebrating a child on the autism spectrum' written by Alexandra Hoffman and illustrated by Beatriz Mello which consists of 32 pages.

Masterpiece: an inclusive kid’s book celebrating a child on the autism spectrum

Samuel a school going kid who suffers from autism spectrum, adores blue color so much that he fantasizes about it always, making in his mind drawing lines, objects and structures. Even the wall of this room of his house is of blue color. In school, the backpack that Samuel carry is of blue color. The clothes that he wears and stuffed animal toys that he plays for recreation area of blue color. One day, before the entire classroom and teacher, his creativity liked by everyone and got appreciated of his talent. The art that Samuel created was unique and turns out to be masterpiece and stunning.

Aforementioned was just the brief overview from children's self-esteem book, so readers at Readers Blog! If you want to read till end, then grab copy of this book. 'Masterpiece: an inclusive kids book celebrating a child on the autism spectrum' may be bought from any click and mortar store, available in hardcover, paperback and Kindle.


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