How Rama met Monkey God Hanuman? Story of Diwali

book review

The children's book The Story of Diwali: Rama & Sita is written by author Jay Anika and consists of 40 pages.

If you are from Hindu religion and want to teach your children not older than 11 the religious information about Diwali, then it would be worthy decision. 

Who were Rama and Sita? Where they were living? How Rama met Monkey God Hanuman? Story about Rama & Sita as they set off journey, is created with wonderful illustration so the children could understand easily basics about adaptation of Ramayana. 

How Diwali or in other words The Festival of light celebrated in Hindu religion. How old this religious Indian tradition? Why Diwali still celebrated with religious fervor throughout the world in Hindus? Children will get all the basis answers if they would read this Diwali story book. 

Children story book may also be gifted to their loved ones on occasion of Diwali.


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