How professor decrypted cipher code to solve murder mystery?

Lock decrypted unlocked

Action thriller fiction novel 'The Tree of Knowledge' written by author Daniel G. Miller which consists of 294 pages.

eBook Review 'The Tree of Knowledge' by Daniel G. Miller

The Tree of Knowledge is a novel about a mathematics professor who assisted police in decrypting cipher code to resolve murder mystery of bank security guard.

Albert puddles a mathematics professor at Princeton university teaching to his students for more than five years. That day was the first day of academic calendar when he reached campus and the strength of undergraduates of his class was of seventy four in lecture hall.

During a lecture, professor was interrupted by his graduate assistant Ying to let him know that police at campus wanted to talk so he halted the continuing lecture on logic and left the class. 

When professor met with police detective informed him that murder had been took place last night of a security guard who posted at bank of Princeton and they had recovered a note belonging to murderer from crime scene and something had been stolen from bank locker.

Initially it seemed that sort of formula written on piece of paper but it was a decision tree. When police detective couldn't understand the concept of (MECE) Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive then professor explained him by quoting the example of hotels. 

Later Albert found that it was Caesar cipher code and puzzle seemed difficult to resolve from game tree but he didn't gave up hope for code breaking. To begin with, Albert adopted approach of brute force attack for cryptography but yielded no positive result. Then assuming it of Vigenère Cipher, got helped from a computer programmer but got no success. To explore further, would it be Trithemius Cipher, he attempted to scan the hidden message but got no outcome. After spending much time and effort, Albert cracked the Caesar cipher code when he found valuable reference material from a cryptography book and secret word was POISON.

Eva who was standing in her balcony enjoying sea view when she was reminded by General that her tree of knowledge in custody of police for interrogation.

Aforementioned was just the brief overview from a novel, so readers at Readers Blog! If you fond of reading full story, then grab copy of this book. 'The Tree of Knowledge' may be bought from any click and mortar store and available in Kindle, audiobook, hardcover and paperback.


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